
Winter Ceremonies

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre 290 Zielke Drive, Beausejour, Canada

Our Winter Ceremonies will take place on Saturday, December 23, 2017. A sweat will be offered at 1:00 pm, with a feast to follow. All are welcome to participate in any part of the ceremonies. Please bring a contribution of food for the feast. For more information, contact the office at 204-268- 3913. Please consider…
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TH4 – Liberation Theology Learning Circle & Continuing Education Opportunity

The resource person for this week is Benjamin Lujan. Benjamin is Peruvian-Canadian and joins us as a Seneca College professor and a PhD student from the University of Toronto whose work is based in building interfaith connections to work for Indigenous Justice in Canada. Download the Learning Circle registration form.

H/CD5 – Community Development & Social Analysis Learning Circle & Continuing Education Opportunity

Resource Persons: Matthew LeBlanc (Executive Director of iEmergence: and Shaun Loney Elder: Bernice Saulteaux Indigenous communities in Canada have a long positive heritage of sustainability. This course offers the opportunity to review the varying strategies and processes of development that were present before colonization; during eras of colonial dependency; and which now continue to…
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Ceremony of Celebration

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre 290 Zielke Drive, Beausejour, Canada

Join us to celebrate our graduating students and honoured elders. Graduate Eleanor Monias   Honoured Elders Rev. Adeline Samson-Harvey Rev. Solomon Meekis   The service will be followed by a feast. RSVP to 204-268-3913 or

PC4 – Family Violence & Gender Issues Learning Circle & Continuing Education Opportunity

Download the Learning Circle registration form. Resource Persons: Kelly Dvorak, Rob Thomas & Melba Laferine, RW Hoekstra, Joye Platford Elders: Herb Russell & Bernice Saulteaux (to be confirmed) This course seeks to provide students with trauma informed understandings, tools and resources to support families or individuals seeking healing from violent relationships or internalized oppression. Special…
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147: Pathway to Treaty Relations

Lower Fort Garry

Treaty 1 was signed 147 years ago at Manitoba’s Lower Fort Garry Join us at the Fort for a couple hours of treaty talk and learning in the historic village where Treaty 1 was signed. Treaty is an invitation into sharing land for the benefit of all living things. Learn about the ways this sacred…
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Mamawe Ota Askihk – Sharing Life Together Here on Earth

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre 290 Zielke Drive, Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada

Gather with Indigenous community leaders and settler allies to reclaim the homebred, the homespoken, the homegrown, and the homemade. Our week together will include hands-on learning about growing, harvesting and preparing medicines and foods from the land. There will be time for listening, sharing, singing, ceremony and sharing good food together. We will gather medicines, work…
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Fall Ceremonies

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre 290 Zielke Drive, Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada

This year our Fall Ceremony will take place on Sunday, September 30, 2018. Come for 1:00 PM for the sweat ceremony followed by a potluck feast. All are welcome to participate. You can read more about what to expect at a seasonal ceremony. Please contact the office at 204-268-3913 for more information about the ceremony and…
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